
Terms of Use

Lemar Investment Group 


Editorial from March 11, 2023.


These Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy are a public contract - a public offer contract of LLC "LEMAR-GROUP", located in Cyprus, Limassol, Ambelakion 28 Street. All its conditions are the same for all users, regardless of status and organizational legal form. The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy apply to access and use of the Website https://www.lemar-group.fund and (or) all other products and services of Lemar Investment Group (hereinafter referred to as services, service, Lemar Investment Group, "we", "us", "our"). By downloading, using, viewing the site, sending content, or using other access and (or) using the service, the User (hereinafter referred to as "You", "Your", "Your", "Your") agrees to these Terms and Policies, set forth lower. If you do not wish to agree to all of these Terms and Policies set forth in this document, do not download our site and/or stop using our service.



1. Minimum age


The use of the site is available only to persons who have reached the age of majority in accordance with the legislation of the country of which such person is a resident and (or) citizen and capable of entering into legally binding contracts in accordance with the current legislation. If you do not meet these requirements and (or) you have not received the unequivocal approval of your parents and (or) legal representative, please do not use the Services of the Lemar Investment Group service. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child and allow him to use our site, these terms apply to you and you are responsible for the child's actions on our service. Any further use of the site and/or any part of it means that you have read and understood the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy and agree to comply with all sections of the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.



2. Changes in terms of use


The provisions of these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy are subject to change. Whenever we make changes to this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, we will post the new version on this page and indicate the date of the new version. Any changes to these Terms and Policies will be effective immediately upon their posting. Your continued use of the Service following changes to these Terms and Policies constitutes your acceptance of those changes. If you do not wish to agree to any changes to these Terms and Policies, please stop using our service immediately. These Terms and Policies will also govern any updates or new product versions that may replace and/or supplement the Site. If an update or new version is not accompanied by the Terms and Policies, these Terms and Policies shall prevail.



3. Terms and definitions


Lemar Investment Group Services - refers to the various services provided to you that are based on Internet and/or Blockchain technologies and offered through the Site https://www.lemar-group.fund, as well as other forms (including new ones that will become possible thanks to the future, namely in exchange for the User's provision of their digital assets, the opportunity to earn the latter a reward expressed in a fixed percentage.

Digital currencies are encrypted or digital tokens or cryptocurrencies with a certain value, based on blockchain and cryptography technologies, which are issued and managed in a decentralized manner, in USDT according to the TRC 20 standard.

Deposit - digital assets in cryptocurrency placed by the User in the Service in accordance with the procedure established by this Agreement.

Deposit agreement - concluded between the Parties, according to which the User places digital assets on the Deposit Account, and the Service accepts digital assets and undertakes to return the amount of the deposit to the User, as well as pay interest under the terms agreed by the Parties.

User is any individual or legal entity that uses the services of Lemar Investment Group.

Administrator - LLC "LEMAR-GROUP", located in Cyprus, Limassol, Ambelakion 28 Street.

Administration - employees of the Administrator who manage the site https://www.lemar-group.fund, perform technical, organizational, and other functions of ensuring the functioning of Lemar Investment Group services, as well as provide information, consulting, and other support.

Content - images, text, audio, and video materials, as well as other objects of copyright and (or) related rights, as well as information and messages of any nature, available on the site.

The payment system is a partner of the Administrator, which ensures safe payments between the User and the service.

Login - a unique identifier of the User, which serves to mark and identify him on the website-service.

Password - a set of characters used to confirm the User's identity at the time of logging into the account (authorization).



4. Registration process


To receive services on the site or the User must register an Account in the service by activating the "Create Account" function, specifying relevant information about himself.

Mandatory information includes:

  • Full name

  • Email address (E-mail)

  • Phone number

  • Date of birth

When the user selects the "Anonymous" function, the mandatory information includes:

  • Email address (E-mail)

  • Phone number


After registration, the User will be asked to specify the details of his digital wallet in USDT according to the TRC 20 standard.


Sending such information to us will be deemed as your consent to provide personal information for identity verification if necessary.

Such information will be used to verify the User's identity and identify evidence of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, and other financial crimes through our service or for other legitimate purposes declared by us. We will collect, use and share such information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In addition to providing such information, you agree to allow us to maintain a record of such information for a period of five (5) years after sending such information in accordance with global industry data retention standards. You also allow us to conduct necessary investigations directly or through third parties to verify your identity or to protect you and/or us from financial crimes such as fraud. The information we need to verify your identity may include but is not limited to, contact information, phone number, government-issued ID, date of birth, and other information. By providing the required information, you confirm that it is true and accurate.


After sending such information, the User will receive an e-mail-message-active link to the previously indicated e-mail address (E-mail) with a request to confirm-verify the specified e-mail address (E-mail). The same procedure may be required for confirmation-verification of the phone number previously indicated by him.


IMPORTANT! By clicking on the active "Register" function button, you agree to all the conditions set forth in this Offer, as well as to the Policy for the processing and storage of personal data, the conditions set forth on the Date of acceptance of the offer by the User (the date of conclusion of the Agreement) is considered the date of registration of the account (Account ), on the Website https://www.lemar-group.fund.


One user can register only one account. Account records, the technical analysis of which revealed their belonging to one User, are determined by the system as duplicates and are blocked automatically.

We may disable or delete an account if it has not been verified after registration, is unused and inactive for an extended period of time, or if we discover that someone may have used it without your permission and we cannot verify your ownership of the account.

The user is responsible for the completeness and correctness of the information provided by him during registration on the Site, as well as for any negative consequences of unreliable, incomplete, or incorrect information. The user is obliged to specify for his account the name that he uses in everyday life, as well as to specify accurate and true information about himself.

You undertake not to disclose to third parties the login and password specified or received during registration. You are solely responsible for all actions performed on your behalf, i.e. using your login and password.

You also agree to be solely responsible for taking the necessary security measures to protect your account and personal information.

By creating an account or purchasing services on our service, you agree that:

(a) you will notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account and password or any other breach of security;

(b) you will strictly comply with all mechanisms and procedures of our service, as well as the services of our partners, on the links provided by us, relating to

security, authentication;

(c) you will take appropriate steps to properly log out of your account at the end of each session.



5. Terms and procedure for concluding a deposit agreement


Terms of the Deposit Agreement, namely: (amount of the deposit, interest rate on the deposit in percentages, order-periodicity of payment of interest on the deposit, possibility/impossibility of early demand of the deposit, date of placement of the deposit, date of return of the deposit, commission when replenishing the account) specified on the website https://www.lemar-group.fund, as well as in the User's account cabinet.


Management Commission consists of:

  • Silver 20% (from $1,000)

  • Gold 15% (from $5,000)

  • Platinum 10% (from $10,000)


The commission for early withdrawal of funds is -15% of the amount of the Deposit.


To place a Deposit, the User must go to the " Invest " section and use the active " Account Replenishment " function button in his personal account


Withdrawal of the Deposit, including interest (at the end of the deposit period or in the case of an early withdrawal request), is made from the investment account on the Binance exchange, and credited to the account for payouts in the service, and then they become available for withdrawal to the Users to the account of the specified wallet in the User's account.

6. Prohibited use of the site-service


You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any part of the Service, the Course, or access to the Service and/or the Course without our express written permission. You agree not to upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, harm, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware, or equipment directly or indirectly related to the site. You agree not to interfere with the servers or networks underlying or connected to this site, and not to violate any procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the site. The Site may contain certain third-party software, plug-ins, or site interface (collectively, “Third Party Software”) that require separate Terms of Agreement. You agree not to impersonate or attempt to impersonate the administration or service https://www.lemar-group.fund, an employee of the service, another user, or any other natural or legal person (including, but not limited to, the use of email addresses or aliases associated with any of the foregoing). You agree not to transmit or cause to be transmitted any advertising or marketing materials without our prior written consent, including any "junk mail", "emails of happiness", "spam" or any other similar solicitation. Use the provided services only for personal purposes.


7. Intellectual property rights


The set of programs, data, trademarks, intellectual property objects, including copyright objects, and other objects used on our site are the intellectual property of its legal right holders and are protected by the legislation on intellectual property, as well as relevant international legal treaties and conventions. Any use of the elements that make up the site (symbols, text, graphic images, programs, and other objects), except as permitted in this Document, without permission is illegal and may result in legal proceedings and involvement in civil, administrative, and criminal. responsibility, in accordance with the law. If you are the owner of a trademark or other intellectual property and believe that the materials posted on the site violate your rights, please write to us at the email address: info@lemar-group.fund. Please include the following information in your application:

  • identify yourself (name, mailing address, e-mail);

  • describe the nature of the infringement of intellectual property rights and identify the relevant object of intellectual property on our site.



8. Provisions on published information


Information presented on the website https://www.lemar-group.fund or through it is provided for general informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information. You rely on such information solely at your own risk. We disclaim all responsibility and liability arising from the use of such materials by you or any other user of the service, or by any person who may be informed of its content.



9. Links to our site and social media functions


You may link to our site, provided you do so honestly and lawfully and do not harm or take advantage of our reputation, but you must not link in such a way as to suggest any form of association or endorsement by us without our express written consent. If the site contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your convenience only. This includes links contained in advertisements, including banner ads and sponsored links. We do not control the content of these sites or resources and are not responsible for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. If you choose to access any of the third-party websites linked to our site, you do so solely at your own risk and are subject to the terms of use of such websites.



10. Limitation of liability


We will make all reasonable efforts for the proper operation of the service https://www.lemar-group.fund, however, we will not be liable to the User or third parties for direct or indirect damages, including lost profit or lost data, damage to honor, dignity, or business reputation, incurred in connection with the use service https://www.lemar-group.fund, or the impossibility of its use, or unauthorized access to the User's communications by third parties, or the impossibility of receiving services, in particular, in the following cases:

(a) in the presence of technical malfunctions of public communication channels or loss of access to the Internet - until troubleshooting or restoration of access, respectively;

(b) in case of equipment security violation or equipment malfunction (personal computer, smartphone) used by the User to receive services on the site https://www.lemar-group.fund.

We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of the User not having familiarized himself with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement or not having familiarized himself with them in a timely manner. The user agrees that the terms of limitation of liability set forth above reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risks. To avoid misinterpretation of the provisions on the limitation of liability, the parties expressly state that the User will not be denied any legal rights or rights that arise in connection with the contractual relationship between the User and us. The parties are released from liability for delay or partial or total non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, if this non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that are beyond the control of the parties and cannot be overcome by reasonable methods.



11. Disclaimer of Warranties


Service https://www.lemar-group.fund is not your agent or advisor and has no fiduciary relationship or obligation to you in connection with any agreements or other decisions or actions taken by you using the service Lemar Investment Group. Services and materials are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

You also acknowledge and understand that we cannot and do not guarantee that files available for download from the Internet or from websites are free of viruses or other destructive code. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and control points to meet your specific requirements for anti-virus protection and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining means external to our site to recover any lost data.



12. Geographical restrictions


Service administrator https://www.lemar-group.fund is located in Europe. We make no representations that the site or any content is available outside of Europe. Access to the site https://www.lemar-group.fund may be illegal for certain persons or certain countries. If you download the site from outside the UK, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with local laws.



13. Indemnification


You agree to indemnify the Administrator, its affiliates, licensors, and service providers, as well as its officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, and successors, against and against any and all claims and liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses or fees ( including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to your breach of these Terms of Use or your use of our Service, including without limitation any use of the Content, Services other than as expressly permitted in these Terms of Use.



14. Resolution of disputes


Any disputes shall be resolved exclusively through in-person arbitration. Any legal action or proceeding arising out of these Terms of Use or the Service https://www.lemar-group.fund, or its affiliates, must be breached exclusively in Ukraine, although we reserve the right to file any claim or initiate legal proceedings, against you for breach of these Terms of use, in your country of residence or any other relevant country. You waive any objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over you by such courts and to proceedings in such courts.


You and we agree that you may bring a claim against the other party only on an individual basis. This means that: (a) neither of us has standing to sue as a plaintiff or co-plaintiff in a class, joint, or representative action; (b) the arbitrator shall not consolidate the claims of several persons into a single action (or preside over any joint, class or representative action); and (c) an arbitrator's award on a claim by one claimant may be entered only against such claimant and not against other claimants and may not be used to resolve other claimants' disputes.



15. Refund Policy


Erroneous asset transfer.


By using the site https://www.lemar-group.fund or by receiving services from the service, you agree to all the terms of this Policy and confirm your familiarity with the terms set forth here.


If the User transfers a digital asset to an incorrect or erroneous wallet address, requests for the return of such Assets will not be accepted or processed by the Service.


Also, in case of specifying your own address for receiving digital assets by mistake, requests for the return of such Assets will not be accepted or processed by the Service.

Return of the deposit at the request of the User


For the early return of the Deposit, the User must contact the Administrator at the e-mail address info@lemar-group.fund, by message or letter in any form, about the intention to return the Deposit, indicating in the subject of the letter "Deposit Return". The request for the return of the Deposit is considered by us in the near future, but no more than two working days. After considering the request, we will inform you about the result and the return period.



16. Sanctions


You warrant that You (as an individual or a representative of any legal entity) are not located in, or are not a national of, a country subject to applicable US trade sanctions or embargoes (for example, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria). You also warrant that You are not a person or organization included in the relevant US, EU, or UN sanctions list. If, during the term of any agreement with Lemar Investment Group, you become subject to such a restriction, you undertake to notify us within 24 hours and we shall be entitled to terminate any further obligations to you, immediately and without any additional liability to you (but obligations to Lemar Investment Group that have not been fulfilled by you remain).



17. Taxation


The User undertakes to pay all his taxes and fees arising from the use of the Lemar Investment Group Service, and such taxes must be paid in accordance with the rules of the jurisdiction of the User's residence.


Lemar Investment Group is not responsible for any violations committed by the User in connection with his obligations regarding the calculation and payment of taxes and fees.


18. Details


Lemar Investment Group

Cyprus, Limassol, Ambelakion 28 Street.
